
At Johnson Settlement Resources, our goal is to provide all parties
desiring to resolve a legal damages dispute with creative solutions that
are financially more advantageous than cash through the following:

  • Superior Service No-cost assistance every step of the way…
    Unlimited quotes and illustrations…Attendance at Mediations…In-
    person needs review/evaluation…Document assistance to
    ensure compliance with IRS rules…No cost post-settlement
    assistance for life.

  • Superior Products – We use multiple products, often in
    combination, to design a settlement plan that best fits the
    needs/wishes of the Claimant (i.e. tax-free annuities, trusts, life
    insurance, securities, etc.).

  • Superior Knowledge – With over 50 years combined
    experience in one office, JSR is able to provide creative
    settlement planning solutions to meet the complex needs of
    claimants.  A simple “annuity quote” is often not the only or right
Johnson Settlement

972.396.1377 phone
800.451.4075 toll-free
972.396.1565 fax
